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Writer's pictureDikeledi Alocia Ngakane

The Top Sustainable Trends That Will Dominate in 2024

By: Dikeledi Alocia Ngakane - Dustee Creations Style Blog


In today's world, sustainability has become a crucial aspect of our lives. We must become more environmentally conscious and take responsibility for our actions to ensure a better future for the planet. At SANVT, they have conducted extensive research to identify the most influential sustainable fashion trends that are expected to dominate the industry in 2024. Their research has revealed some exciting insights that will shape the future of sustainable fashion. From ethical sourcing to sustainable production and eco-friendly materials, they have identified various trends that will revolutionize the fashion industry and drive positive change in the years to come. Sustainability is no longer a trend, it's a necessity. Our style blog encourages fashion lovers to be environmentally conscious and behave responsibly. SANVT has researched the most influential sustainable fashion trends for 2024.

Here are the top sustainable fashion trends to look out for in 2024.

Embracing Sustainability 

The need for more strict regulations and standardized sustainable practices has been a problem for a while. When revising existing rules, it is essential to consider the impact on the environment and people throughout the product life cycle. It has allowed dishonest practices like greenwashing to continue for longer than necessary. However, 2024 will mark a significant milestone for landmark laws and future preparations.

Here are a couple of examples from the EU.

  • A new directive called the Green Claims Directive is expected to crack down on false marketing messages. The directive requires that any claims made by companies must be independently verified and backed by scientific proof so that consumers can make better decisions. The final approval for the directive is scheduled for the spring of next year.

  • The EU has laid out new rules for textile recycling under its Strategy for Sustainable and Circular Textiles. By 2025, member countries must have textile waste collection systems, and brands and retailers will be responsible for bearing the costs. Eco-labeling will be mandatory by the end of 2024, which is even more urgent. We can expect to see more strategies and alliances forming in support of the 2030 goals.

Textile recycling

Fast fashion’s grip

The fashion industry is currently facing a dilemma where fast fashion conglomerates continue to assert their dominance in the market while the importance of sustainability is widely recognized. Experts agree that the fashion industry needs to align with the universal 1.5C degree goal, particularly in light of the recent COP28 conference. There has been a marked increase in awareness about the fashion industry's negative environmental impact. However, consumer surveys suggest that interest in eco-friendly products only sometimes translates into actual purchases.

Despite a decline in his ranking on the World's Richest list, Amancio Ortega, the founder of Zara and owner of Inditex, continues to maintain a strong foothold in the fashion industry. By 2027, the fast fashion industry will reach almost 200 billion dollars. In contrast, sustainable apparel's projected value by 2030 is only USD 20 billion.

A joint report by McKinsey and Business of Fashion highlights the industry's ongoing challenges in its quest for sustainability. The report suggests that fast fashion giants such as Shein will maintain dominance, dictating strategies that influence pricing, customer experience, and speed. It could impede progress towards sustainable alternatives, creating a battle that will be fought behind the scenes and on the racks.


As we approach 2024, AI is becoming increasingly important in the digital world. ChatGPT has emerged as one of the top players in the field. The trend towards hyper-digitization is transforming entire operational processes through automation and integration rather than just digitizing individual activities.

Artificial intelligence has demonstrated its efficiency in automating repetitive tasks, enabling individuals to allocate more time and resources towards more creative and innovative endeavors. But it can also be an unexpected ally in tackling sustainability challenges."It's not solely about substituting humans with machinery."

The fashion industry is one of the most resource-intensive industries in the world. Conventional cotton production uses pesticides, and transportation creates emissions, presenting environmental challenges. The sector also generates billions of unsold clothes annually, contributing to waste. AI algorithms can help optimize supply chains and reduce waste, among many other ways, it can assist in solving environmental issues.

Sustainable - Resale and take back programs

Recently, there has been an increase in the use of resale and takeback services in the fashion industry. Resale involves the selling of pre-owned garments, while takeback involves brands reclaiming and repurposing items. The fashion industry aims to extend the lifespan of clothes and reduce waste through both practices.

Some notable brands like 10 Days, Beaumont Organic, and For Days have implemented these programs successfully, promoting a more circular approach. However, navigating the nuances of these schemes is essential, as highlighted by a report from the Changing Markets Foundation. The report revealed that take-back programs at major brands like H&M and Primark may be more symbolic than substantive.

As we approach 2024, the fashion industry must embrace takeback and resale services more broadly. It will underscore the industry's commitment to sustainable practices and the circular economy.


It's not enough to be carbon neutral.

In 2023, the voluntary carbon market (VCM), where companies buy offsets to make up for their emissions, faced many issues. The Verra scandal, involving the largest verifier of carbon offsets, revealed that many of their approved rainforest projects did not deliver the promised carbon reductions. Additionally, South Pole allegedly misanalyzed their landmark Kariba project, which Verra verified. A lack of regulation and standardization amplified the problems with the VCM as "Somebody exposed these incidents." They also clarified that more than striving for climate neutrality (different from net zero) is needed.

Some companies are beginning to understand the importance of moving beyond neutralization. French media company JCDecaux has stopped using the 'carbon-neutral' claim because they believe the climate crisis demands a more proactive approach. Brands must recognize that taking meaningful action requires more than offsetting emissions.

Considering all this and the EU's plans to tighten regulations, we may see more companies abandoning their 'climate-neutral' status in favor of other initiatives.

"What is SANVT up to?"


In 2024, SANVT will focus on compensating for their carbon footprint and reducing their footprint through local production, innovative materials, and more. They aim to continue their tree-planting initiative; read more about it here. They want to expand their social commitment in their local communities and sustain their relationship with their factories in Portugal. As they visit them regularly, they want to hear their needs and exchange ideas on making the production of SANVT Essentials even more sustainable and fair. 


As we look forward to the year ahead, we know much hard work is required. Nevertheless, this reminds us of our continuous journey towards building a more conscientious industry. Irrespective of the changes in fashion trends, we remain committed to strengthening and expanding our efforts towards sustainability.


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